About Us


Fama Islamic Int. School

FAMA Islamic International School (FAMAIIS) established in the year 2011 by Dr. Salisu Ahmad Ingawa and Hajiya Amina S. Ingawa as the Director of the School has nursed the School to an International Standard, providing a convenient, safe, and happy environment for its Learners and Staff. Hajiya Amina’s dream has always been to give her teachers and Learners a happy environment and something to hope for.

FAMAIIS has Early Years, Primary, Secondary, and Islamiyyah programs with outstanding Educators. The School dictates itself to teaching moderate tenets of Islam, in order to strike the balance between conventional and Islamic education.

As the oldest continuously run educational institution, FAMAIIS remains committed to providing an academically rigorous education to students who will walk out of school ready for lives of leadership and service to their community. From Qur’an, Arabic, English, Mathematics, ICT, Science, and art, each day at the Champions School is filled with activities that are both enriching and fun.

We strive to be committed to the Learners we are privileged to serve, in our alumni association, our dedicated, talented faculty and staff. We also take pride in having the most active and helpful group of partners, visionary parents, well-wishers, alumni, and friends.

We aim at inspiring our students to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more in their respective journeys of life.

Academic Coordinator Note
Famaiis at a Glance


Current Enrollments


Qualified Staff


Clubs & Activities


Active PTFA Members

Mission Statement

To create a broad balanced and carefully planned curriculum that encourages children to develop an awareness of their abilities and equips them with confidence and knowledge to meet the challenges of a fast-changing world

Our Core Values

For every pupil to achieve their full potential in their academic, creative moral, physical and spiritual development

Our Philosophy

We, at Famaiis, follow a child-centered educational approach. We make sure that it is based on scientific observations from birth to adulthood. We believe that a child is naturally curious and is capable of initiating learning in a supportive and thoughtfully prepared environment.

School Anthem

Fama Islamic international school; We are so proud to be part of you; With Knowledge, faith, and integrity; We serve Allah every day of the week With Knowledge, faith and integrity We serve Allah everyday of the week We are Children that Allah had Made We are so Faithful and Confident We like to stay at our School all day Our teachers they care they teach us to Pray We learn something new each day And give our best and succeed everyday